Rap Legal Rundown: Guns, Contracts, and Lunch Breaks

Hey, hey, it’s time to learn
About the law, oh, what a turn
Texas teachers packing heat
In the classroom, keep it sweet
Texas law allowing teachers to carry guns
it’s a new rule, see them carry
protect the kids, no need to worry

Legal racetrack, what’s the pitch?
Gotta know, gotta make it rich
Legal racetrack pitch
the rules are clear, the rules are sound
gotta play by them if you’re gonna be around

Electric scooters for the road
Gotta be legal, gotta crack the code
Electric scooter for adults road legal
the rules are tough, the rules are tight
gotta follow them if you’re gonna take flight

By law, how long for lunch?
Can’t be too short, can’t be a hunch
By law how long should a lunch break be
gotta take a break, gotta take it slow
it’s the law, don’t let it go

Carry-on rules on Air Canada
Don’t be caught, don’t be a spanner
Air Canada carry on rules 2023
it’s a new year, it’s a new game
gotta know the rules, don’t be lame

Contracts, are they valid? Without a notary?
It’s a question, but don’t be wary
Is a contract valid without notary
gotta read it, gotta know it
know the law, don’t blow it

Paris agreement, the big negotiation
Global warming, climate foundation
Paris agreement negotiations
it’s a big deal, it’s a big feat
gotta know what’s up, don’t be beat

Remove a director from a company
It’s a process, it’s not done willy-nilly
Can I remove a director from a company
it’s a big move, it’s a big play
gotta follow the law, gotta do it the right way

Supreme Court, what’s the deal?
Key insights, oh, it’s real
Understanding supreme court adalah
it’s a big place, it’s a big power
gotta know the law, every hour

Land contracts, how’s it work?
In Michigan, don’t be a jerk
How do land contracts work in Michigan
it’s a new start, it’s a new game
gotta know the law, don’t be tame